What are the Key Properties of Bitcoin?
Topics include:
- Consensus
- Trust Minimization
- Censorship Resistance
- Pseudonymity
- Open Source & Open Collaboration
- Permissionless
- Legal Indifference
- Fungibility
- Forward Compatibility
- Resource Minimization
- Verification > Computation
- Transaction Immutability
- Conservatism
- Incentive Alignment
- Ossification
There is no authority in Bitcoin - even the principles outlined in this article are by no means authoritative, they are simply observations made by myself and other ecosystem participants.
- Bitcoin is a system that automates the continual discovery of consensus amongst its participants. - It is machine consensus that enforces human consensus.
- Consensus failures can destroy the whole system by causing loss of confidence in its reliability.
- Consensus code should be ringfenced and rarely touched.
- Protocol changes should not be forced upon users without their consent. That is, users should opt into changes rather than having to opt out.
- As such, software clients should not update automatically, as that would take power away from users and put it in the hands of developers.
- Due to the distributed nature of the network, it should not be assumed that every user is paying attention to protocol changes.
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