Bitcoin - The Libertarian Introduction
This is one of the older articles explaining bitcoin, but still very useful, especially to those who are interested about bitcoin from a political perspective.
Topics include:
- What is Bitcoin, and how does it work (very high level overview)
- Why is Bitcoin valuable? (scarcity, seizure resistance, zero counterparty risk)
- Krugman vs the Austrian perspective
- Private money and the concept of "backing"
- How to obtain and store bitcoin (some examples outdated, but concepts still valid)
- Bitcoin vs The State
- Bitcoin and Disruption
This article is a primer on Bitcoin: an overview of the fascinating new phenomenon from the perspective of a humble libertarian who cares more about the ramifications for human liberty than about the technical protocol and brilliant science underlying the network.
The basics of Bitcoin are all covered here, ranging from a light technical overview to due diligence to monetary economics and theory.
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