Bitcoin Marketcap
Gold Marketcap
BTC Settlement Volume (24hr)
BTC Inflation Rate (next 1yr)
CASEBITCOIN making the case for bitcoin every day
Bitcoin Marketcap
Gold Marketcap
BTC Settlement Volume (24hr)
BTC Inflation Rate (next 1yr)
CASEBITCOIN making the case for bitcoin every day
critique: Bitcoin is too volatile to be a useful currency or store-of-value.
rebuttal: It's true that bitcoin historically has very high trading volatility. This is not a surprise for an asset whose market cap has grown to hundreds of billions of dollars, from 0 a decade ago. Furthermore, bitcoin's volatility *is* decreasing as it matures.
At this intermediate stage, where bitcoin's market cap is significant but still one or more orders of magnitude below where one might expect a mature global store of value to be, thinking of bitcoin as an emerging store of value is helpful. Ultimately, it's possible that once bitcoin achieves more maturity and a higher market cap, it can become a directly useful unit of account and medium of exchange as well.